How much are dues?
As of Jan 1, 2025, Proprietary (HOA) dues are $132/quarter or $528/year. 2025 Associate Membership dues are $770/calendar year.
When are payments due?
Proprietary (HOA) payments are due on the 1st of the month (January, April, July, October). Dues are considered late after the 15th and late fees will be added. If you pay the full calendar year by January 15, you get 12 free guest passes that can be used that year. Full collections information.
Associate Member payments are due in January or when you join. The dues are for that calendar year. The 12 free guest pass allocation is not available to Associate Members.
How do members access the club?
Access to the club is from 8:00AM-10:00PM year-round with an electronic fob. Pool hours vary over the year and can be found in the Home tab.
To get your fob, you will need to fill out a household data sheet and bring that with your id and proof of where you live (e.g., license, PG&E bill). Come during office hours and we will take your picture and link it to your fob in the system.
For additional information or to set up an appointment to get your fob, contact
How do members reach someone regarding neighborhood concerns?
San Jose 311 (https://311.sanjoseca.gov ) to request city services, including reporting illegal dumping, graffiti, street light outages, abandoned vehicles & many other concerns.
District Supervisor (district10@sanjoseca.gov) our district supervisor contact email.
Homelessness Response (homelessness-response) volunteer opportunities as well as information on homelessness programs and resources.
Beautify San Jose (beautifysj) - helps communities clean up illegal dumping, graffiti & encampment management. There are volunteer opportunities as well as Grants that can be made available to help beautify San Jose.
Can I pay online?
Automated reminders with the ability to pay online are sent to the email address on file. Online bank EFT payments can be done at no charge. Credit/Debit card payments require an additional convenience fee of $4/qtr. or $12/year for Proprietary (HOA) payments or $17 for annual Associate Membership payments. Send email to RSTSRCoffice@gmail.com if you want to pay via credit card.
You may also pay via cash/check. Mail to 286 Sorrento Way, San Jose, CA 95119 or drop payments in the locked box at the top of the stairs on the Sorrento Way entrance.
Can I bring guests?
Guests can accompany members in the facility for an additional guest fee of $5 per person, payable at the gate. Members are responsible for guests and must accompany them at all times.
What are the pool rules?
General pool and facility rules can be found here. If you have questions, please ask.
Can others use my fob?
Each fob assigned to a specific person with an associated picture. Your club privileges may be revoked if someone who is not allowed in the club uses your fob. Please report lost/stolen fob immediately. Replacement fobs are $3.
Can I rent facilities for parties?
Members can rent the Main Hall or the Lounge - including use of a full kitchen. The gameroom can also be included. Additional fees apply for hall rentals. Pool Party reservations can also be made over the summer. You can find more information here.
How do I hear about activities?
Monthly activity plans are listed on the activities calendar and in the monthly newsletter. Follow us on Facebook for additional updates within the month.
Do you have swim lessons?
Group and individual swim lessons are available for Members and non-members. Our Sea Otter Cabana swim team is open to Members 18 years and younger. It provides a fun competitive environment for kids and is a great way to meet other families.
How do I get documents needed when selling my house?
There is a $100 Processing Fee to create the HOA Demand Packet. At the close of escrow, we require a $500 Transfer Fee and a copy of the new title. The Demand Packet can be requested by emailing RSTSRCoffice@gmail.com.

Contact us
Rancho Santa Teresa is family oriented and has activities for all ages, young children through seniors. For more information, please contact to our office staff or come by the club!