Member Documents

HOA Club Dues

Dues are $132 per quarter (or $528 per year) and are due by the 1st of the month of each quarter (Jan 1; Apr 1; July 1; Oct 1). If you pay the full calendar year of dues by January 15, you will be allotted 12 FREE guest passes. Dues can be paid via check/cash, or online via EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), debit or credit card.

EFT can be done at no charge to you. Credit card payments require a nominal convenience fee. Check/cash payments can be mailed, dropped off during office hours, or deposited in the locked mailbox at 286 Sorrento Way (payable to RSTSRC).​

LATE FEES: A $10 late fee will be added if payments are not received by 15th of the month due.

Associate Member Dues

Associate Membership Dues are due at the beginning of the year or when you join. The dues cover that calendar year. 2025 dues are $770. The free guest pass allotment is not available for Associate Members.